
Kate Turnbull Headshot.jpg

Kate Turnbull, M.A., LMFT

I earned my Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies and received my pre-licensure training at the Southern California Counseling Center and the Institute for Girls’ Development.  My primary trauma training is from the Laurel Parnell Institute in Attachment-Focused EMDR, Deb Dana and applied polyvagal theory and the Embody Lab for somatic therapy.

My 15+ years of personal meditation practice grounds me in my work and enables me to weave in mindfulness tools when appropriate for clients.  My professional experience in the performing arts honed my empathy and curiosity, and my teaching experience helped me develop great comfort in my own skin.  I’ve got a healthy sense of humor about myself and life in general.

I love nachos, naps, cats of all kinds and rainstorms.  I’m working on having more patience waiting in line (yes, even with 15+ years of meditation practice) and reading instructions.

I am licensed in the state of California and see people online and in person. I am currently living on, working on and loving the land of the Tongva people, also known as Northeast Los Angeles.

Visit my Psychology Today Profile.


About Us Aligning Together

Therapy is a relational process meaning that you are practicing being vulnerable and honest with another human being. I am a human in the room just like you, so the fit between the two of us is important.  I work in a trauma-informed capacity which includes supporting you to learn and follow your body’s cues to set the pace of the work, helping you build capacity and resilience, and acknowledging the impact of societal systems and beliefs on your personal story and experience.  I welcome members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and I take a culturally responsive stance in my work.


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