
Integrative psychotherapy 

Integrative psychotherapy means that I apply multiple types of therapeutic approaches.

It also means that we are not just working with your thoughts and mind but exploring the experiences of your body, heart and spirit as well.  Healing is a non-linear process; every step — both pleasant and unpleasant — leads you closer and closer to being at home in yourself.

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Integrative psychotherapy with individual adults

I support adults to learn and apply coping skills for managing anxiety, depression and emotional activation; to build awareness of their inner and outer experience; to understand how the brain responds to trauma and stress; to develop self-compassion; to practice being vulnerable and known within the therapeutic relationship; and much, much more.

I specialize in working with Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) as well as acute traumatic experiences. “Highly sensitive people” are often people who have lived on high alert due to stressful or traumatic experiences as a child. This can contribute to chronic hypervigilance in relationships or even chronic illness in the body. I use applied polyvagal interventions, somatic tools and EMDR when working with trauma. I help clients people their brains and, rather than experiencing helplessness, find agency when working with their nervous system responses.

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Integrative psychotherapy with adolescents

I support teenagers to learn and apply coping skills for managing anxiety, depression and emotional activation and to help teens and their families understand brain development and developmental stages.  I partner with teens to help them identify their inner-critic voice and build a voice of self-compassion.  I have particular interest and experience in working with trans and non-binary youth. 

While a teenager is in therapy, I work collaboratively with parents, guardians and other family members to create support that extends outside of the individual therapy sessions.

Let's connect for a consultation and explore your next steps.